Avoiding Injury Be honest about your abilities. Do not attempt techniques that are too advanced for you, or that you have not been shown. This may well save you some embarrassment as well as an injury. Practice what you know until you can do it in your sleep, and then move on to something new. […]
So, 2022 has finally arrived and with it some improvements to how we deliver our skateboard lessons but, before the news, I’d like thank you all for your continued support, we wouldn’t be here without you. I started Skates & Ladders over ten years ago and have always been proud of the lessons we deliver […]
Holiday Hours Just a heads up to let you know our offices will be closed for Christmas from the 24th of December 2021 to the 2nd of January 2022. All booked lessons will continue as usual during this period. Please continue to book lessons for the new year. We will get back to all booking requests, […]
We have just added a new Saturday session to our Skate Club at Bishops Park Skatepark, running from 9am – 10am and 10.15am – 11.15am. See you there!
Buying a Skateboard There are two options when buying a new skateboard, a “complete” which is fully assembled for you with stock parts or a “custom” board which is built from parts you choose yourself. A complete board is usually cheaper with parts that fit and are designed to work together. It’s pre-built which means […]
Whether used as transportation, a recreational activity or part of an athlete’s dedicated ambition to learn new tricks, skateboarding is an all-round calorie burning and muscle building activity. It’s also a lifelong lifestyle choice, as many continue to skate well into their 50s and 60s. Skateboarding uses up far more calories than most other physical activities […]
Our Gift Cards make for a perfect present and can be purchased at any value and without having to arrange any dates or times upfront, you can even specify the date the Gift Card email is sent and received. Gift Cards are redeemed at checkout, so it’s easy for the recipient to use and enjoy. If you […]
Look After Your Skateboard It is important that you maintain your skateboard and safety gear and replace broken or worn parts as needed. For example, you need to make sure you clean your bearings every now and then. If dirt builds up this can cause your bearings to seize up and stop your wheels from […]
Visiting a skatepark for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. Relax! We are a friendly community and love to encourage others. Skatepark Use It is important to be aware of your surroundings as when you skate. This is especially true in skateparks. There are other skateboards, scooter and bike riders around. If you are […]
It is evident that the social determinants of health, specifically social inclusion, have a strong impact on mental health in the younger population. The pro-social community of skateboarding as a vehicle for mental health was discovered through research performed by Burt in 2011. Burt published an article exploring the wellbeing benefits of creative hobbies in […]
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