Visiting a skatepark for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. Relax! We are a friendly community and love to encourage others.
Skatepark Use
It is important to be aware of your surroundings as when you skate. This is especially true in skateparks. There are other skateboards, scooter and bike riders around. If you are not careful, you can crash into them or they crash into you. You have to be considerate and cautious of others, as they may not always hear or see you coming.
Just remember, before you ride down a ramp or walk across a skatepark, It is like a road, but with more options – you should not start riding or walking without looking left to right and front to back.
Skatepark Etiquette
All riders should know and practice skateboarder etiquette. At a crowded skatepark, this means waiting their turn instead of jumping blindly into a ramp. We also advise only attempting ramps that are within in your capabilities, that you have been shown how to ride.
Be Respectful
Be respectful and try not to spend too long on a run as this means people just have to wait for you. Taking short turns when it is busy makes sure everyone gets a go.
Don’t Snake
Snaking is when a person jumps ahead of a person waiting their turn to skate. It is important when waiting at the top of a ramp that you wait your turn and don’t just jump in. If too many people are trying to ride the same thing there are going to be accidents so be respectful and wait your turn and keep the park safe.
If you do jump in by mistake show your respect by stopping or moving out of the way of the person who’s turn it is and acknowledge the error.
Skatepark Obstacles
Different obstacles in the skatepark have different purposes. If you are unsure of an obstacles purpose, feel free to ask another skateboarder in the skatepark or watch other skateboarders use that obstacle to find out how to skate it.
Using an obstacle for something other than its original use can increase the chance of an accident to yourself and those around you.
To find skateparks near you, visit SkateLDN

Visiting a skatepark for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. Relax! We are a friendly community and love to encourage others.
Skatepark Use
It is important to be aware of your surroundings as when you skate. This is especially true in skateparks. There are other skateboards, scooter and bike riders around. If you are not careful, you can crash into them or they crash into you. You have to be considerate and cautious of others, as they may not always hear or see you coming.
Just remember, before you ride down a ramp or walk across a skatepark, It is like a road, but with more options – you should not start riding or walking without looking left to right and front to back.
Skatepark Etiquette
All riders should know and practice skateboarder etiquette. At a crowded skatepark, this means waiting their turn instead of jumping blindly into a ramp. We also advise only attempting ramps that are within in your capabilities, that you have been shown how to ride.
Be Respectful
Be respectful and try not to spend too long on a run as this means people just have to wait for you. Taking short turns when it is busy makes sure everyone gets a go.
Don’t Snake
Snaking is when a person jumps ahead of a person waiting their turn to skate. It is important when waiting at the top of a ramp that you wait your turn and don’t just jump in. If too many people are trying to ride the same thing there are going to be accidents so be respectful and wait your turn and keep the park safe.
If you do jump in by mistake show your respect by stopping or moving out of the way of the person who’s turn it is and acknowledge the error.
Skatepark Obstacles
Different obstacles in the skatepark have different purposes. If you are unsure of an obstacles purpose, feel free to ask another skateboarder in the skatepark or watch other skateboarders use that obstacle to find out how to skate it.
Using an obstacle for something other than its original use can increase the chance of an accident to yourself and those around you.
To find skateparks near you, visit SkateLDN